Inflight Catalogue June 2017 for Air Canada


CNBC On Assignment: Betting On Asia

Akiko Fujita takes a look at the state of play in the gaming sector in Asia , plus the entry of a new player on the block, Japan .

CNBC Debate: Future of Jobs

What’s the biggest issue when it comes to employment? A panel of experts debate the issues could see your job change in the future.

CNBC Debate: Healthcare

From big data to the selfie culture. A panel of experts discuss the trends that are set to revolutionize global healthcare .

CNBC On Assignment: Frieze

It’s one of the biggest events in the global arts calendar. CNBC takes a tour inside the Frieze Art Fair.

CNBC Debate: Trade & the Trump Effect

Our panellists discuss challenges and opportunities for world trade .

CNBC Debate: Future Energy

How can 21st century investors help fuel the technological energy revolution ?

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